
grande soy caramel creme frappuccino.
who doesn't love a bed in which you have to contort yourself to avoid the springs?
this is corin.
krispy kreme.
this is sara.
sara, cardiff.
not sure why there are ducks in the sea.
I never knew horizons were so musically inclined.

I went to Cardiff!

We fed ducks by hand, and took photos on a disposable camera (while wearing floppy blue hats and SOCIALLY AWKWARD t-shirts), and ate chimichangas, and stayed up til 9.30...am. Sara was proposed to by a man named Simon, solely on the basis of being Scottish. We totally went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter... I hardcore cried. We identified pretty much every Cardiff location that's ever been in Torchwood, and went to the loo in most of them. I drank a soy caramel creme frappuccino for the first time since I was about fifteen... it was amazing (Starbucks is going to be my new thing). We made videos of ourselves at 4am wearing our hair as moustaches, slept in lumpy bunkbeds, waxed the legs of a man in the street (for charity!), and bought Welsh dragon stickers and pink octopus plasters.

Sometimes I need to remind myself not to be afraid of life. I can't be the only person who behaves a certain way in certain places or in certain groups - I'm so many different people, depending on where I am. Sometimes I'm expected to be thoughtful, so I can't be silly (or vice versa); or loud, so I can't be quiet; or shy, so I can't be bold... you know. There's something to be said for going somewhere brand new, with a brand new group of people, and being whoever you want to be whenever you feel like being it. 

Even if you do end up sleeping until 1.30pm the next day.


  1. Love this post :) So true- we can be so many different people and it's a lot of fun being able to explore them all without expectations or presupposition. Sounds like a seriously fun weekend. I'm yet to see Harry Potter...

  2. I just saw HP and was on the verge of tears a few times.

    I totally agree with you acting how you're supposed to act. Sometimes I feel like I just need to get away and refresh with a different group of people. Glad you had fun this weekend!

  3. oh my goodness i love this. im a photography major at school but have felt so burnt out by it lately, and i think you've begun to rekindle my love for it. your photos are just beautiful in such a pure, untainted way (are these photos shot on a disposable? they look so much more high-res than that! like a film slr??). i also love what you said about not being afraid to live life. me too... me too!!

  4. It looks like you had so much fun!! I totally bawled my eyes out during harry potter. I love that series so much and I'm so sad it's over!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Haha, Claire & Tara, glad I wasn't the only one! Emma, you have to see it! I'm not even a big fan of the film adaptations, but it really was stunning.

    Natalie - ashbahjfba, thank you. These photos were taken on a digital slr and minimally post-processed (curves); the disposable photos are far lower quality but also a lot more spontaneous and a lot of fun. Something to be said for it, fo' sho'!

  7. Hey beautiful photos! Great experience with the ducks and stuff I remember when I was with my ex 'cause she loves when we walk near to the river and sometimes we feed the little fish that we see.


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