
LIVE: Recently, Randomly.


If you’re kinda like, ‘so hey, Anna, what’ve you been doing, you’ve been elusive and half-arsed recently!’ and wondering where the cupcakes are at; first of all, I feel you. If only my mental health were as flawless as my eyeliner. If only real life appealed as much as replaying Dragon Age: Origins for the fourth time does. If only my cat would stop lying on my hands when I try to type.
Secondly, oh hey! For the last couple of weeks I’ve been training at 102.8FM Canalside Community Radio and learning how to sneak showtunes into every playlist I can get my hands on. As of this Saturday I am gonna have a 2 hour radio show in the afternoons - probably not a long-term fixture, as if all goes to plan I’ll be moving to London in the spring, but I’m super excited to play in the meantime. The bad news is that unless you happen to live super locally to me, you can’t hear me embarrassing myself on air and forgetting how to form basic sentences. The good news is that unless you happen to live super locally to me, you can’t hear me embarrassing myself on air and forgetting how to form basic sentences! Every cloud, etc. 
So this is what I’m up to! I’ve also got a film short that I’ve been working on for the last couple of months that is so agonisingly almost ready but not quite, ugh, which hopefully you’ll be able to see soon, plus a bunch of regular everyday and foodie posts. So bear with me! More to come. x

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